Sunday, August 10, 2014

Protecting the Bandhan (RakshaBandhan)

Lots of people have borne the burden of keeping me company but the people who have borne it willingly are few. The name i have given to all those people is : Sisters. Well, people may always wonder why am i a burden ? For starters, I don't lift my calls at the opportune time, at most times i am late , am lazy , sometimes fail to keep my commitments and am weird a few times too. Even after all my tantrums, anger  and weierdness its my sisters who are the ones who have unflinchingly borne my burden and have made me the person I am today.
                          Today being the rakshabandhan day all of them will expect me to praise them and that will be the end of it. But No, false praise is not my modus operandi and i will never resort to it. I want to take this opportunity to tell them what they mean to me. I have to start with the person without whom I can't even think of being in this world : Shruti Deshpande. Whats so special about her ? Think of this situation

 Its 1:00am in the night.She has come tired from her IT job and completed house chores and has slept early dead tired. Jerk as i will always be calls her up and says," Shru , I don't know what to do. I am scared of my future. " During that time i was worried about how the hell was i going to complete my engineering and get a good job. Whenever i am in trouble the one person whom i know will find out a way out is her. Inspite of her predicament she consoles me, motivates me and tells me what should i do. Then subtly she says its late, to make me realize my folly. Then i say "ooops and hang up. " (no pointers for finding the jerk here :D )

So basically she is one irreplaceable person in my life. Then there is Dr. Sayali my cousin. I always screw up my health in some way and most of the time the regular doc's medicines do not work out. Dunno why but the medicines she gives me always work out.I guess it has got to do something with trust and her way of convincing me. Then there is Snehal who has been the one whom i could always associate with. She being one year elder to me , I always got my school textbooks from her, could always ask her for help and in general she being my age group could always relate and get along with her.I always had Apurva and Vishakha whom i could bank for support when i needed it the most and tell you what ? They never dissapointed me.

Then I had Preksha who was my buddy in the first year and made life less serious for me. Her fun and frolic attitude was really infectious and i guess that made me much more human. Then from fun and frolic how can i forget Neha,my student aka my sister ? With her casual and care free outlook it was she who made me feel there is much more to life than just careers, goals and academics. Then I had Naisha who i could always have interesting discussions with. How can i forget my book sharing sister Meghana ? Book discussions were never so much fun. Then there was Sony Rawat was one person i could never figure out. Right from studies, partying, being dead serious to being casual she was one person i always admired and will admire for versatility. Another person who falls in the same category has to be dhanashree who always inspired me to do the right things. She is and will always be one person i will look upto for doing the right things in life.

I believe dogs are the most faithful companions but I never imagined they will forge such a good relation with Angana. Also the fact that she looks identical to my sister Shruti made my heart melt. How the hell can two people be so similar ? She gave me shelter when i was at my weakest and i will never forget those moments. Who says you can't have a sister from out side India ? I had one in the form of Marina and I can't forget her ever for teaching me Russian and our discussions on various cultures. That was something out of the box and the relation has continued since then.

All in all i can safely say some good qualities (and some bad ones too :p ) were imbibed within me due to all these close people whom i had a chance of sharing my life with. Since life goes on maybe i may not be able to meet them often but today i just want to tell them that these people have really had their mark on my life and they definitely mean a lot to me. They say its the Raksha Bandhan day. We interpret it as Brothers protecting sisters. But i believe it means " to do raksha of the bandhan " i.e keep the relation strong is the real reason we celebrate it. Happy Rakshabandhan to all my sisters !

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