Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Guest Post:Caring for others

This is a guest post by Kalavathy Gopalan who has written a beautiful poem about how care can bridge gaps and conflicts everywhere in this world of ours!

Caring for others 

What a wonderful place this earth would be for mankind,

If people here have an understanding mind.

And a deep concern for others always,

without being pompous and selfish in their ways.





Such feelings should emanate from within,

Never with compulsion should they be brought in.

Surely we live this life only once,

So why be uncaring towards our loved ones?




Many a war could be averted,

If people's attitudes are converted.

From being indifferent and rude,

To a mindset where care and concern exude.


Truly peace and harmony can reign on this earth,

When people realize others' pain and worth.

Consideration for fellowbeings & an outlook positive,

Would truly make our lives worth and active.

-Kalavathy G.

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